As many of you are aware our Launching into Learning group has been postponed, due to the current Covid-19 pandemic. We hope to keep the digital lines of communication open and support your children (and families) during these changing and challenging times.

For those of you with social media accounts, there is a Facebook page for our LiL community (Cygnet Primary School - Launching into Learning). On this page you can find:

- Sensory recipes

- Weekly stories & nursery rhymes

- At home child friendly cooking and gardening activities

- Resources and support for parents and families

- Craft ideas

- Singing and dancing activities

For those of you without social media accounts, a LIL email group has been created to share the above resources. If you would like to receive these and other resources for supporting your child’s development and learning, please express your interest by emailing:

Although we may be self-isolating or need to be socially distanced, our strength of community can be used to continue to support our children to learn and to support one another during these changing times.